Octavinia Manalu, Patuan Raja, Flora Flora


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meneliti apakah ada peningkatan signifikan pada keterampilan pemahaman menulis siswa setelah penerapan teknik mind mapping. Pendekatan penelitian ini adalah kuantitatif. Subjek penelitian ini adalah 33 siswa tingkat kedua SMA. Tes menulis digunakan sebagai alat pengumpulan data. Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan Repeated Measure t-test. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat peningkatan signifikan pada kemampuan menulis siswa dengan tingkat signifikansi 0.05. Hal ini menandakan bahwa teknik mind mapping dapat diterapkan untuk meningkatkan keterampilan menulis siswa.


The objectives of this research were to find out whether there was a statistically significant improvement of the students’ writing ability after the students were taught through mind mapping technique and to find out which writing aspect improves the best after being taught by using mind mapping technique. The approach of the research was quantitative. The subjects were 33 students of the second grade of high school. The writing tests were used as the research instrument. The data were analyzed by using Repeated Measure t-test. The result showed that there was a statically significant improvement of the students’ writing with the significant level of 0.05. This suggests that mind mapping technique facilitates the students to improve their ability in writing skill.


Keywords: writing, writing ability, mind mapping technique

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