An Analysis Of Students’ Speaking Performance Through Seven Components Of Contextual Teaching And Learning (CTL) At Midwifery Department

Tangzilal Imam Ma'ruf, Bambang Setiyadi, Ari Nurweni


Artikel ini dimaksudkan untuk mencaritahu apakah ada perbedaan yang signifikan sebelum dan sesudah tujuh komponen berbicara dan aspek-aspek apa yang paling meningkat dalam berbicara setelah diajarkan melalui tujuh komponen CTL. Ketujuh komponen CTL meningkatkan kinerja berbicara siswa kebidanan. Subyek penelitian adalah mahasiswa jurusan kebidanan di Universitas Malahayati. Penelitian ini salah satu kelas percobaan sebagai subjek penelitian. Mereka berjumlah  30 siswa. Data diambil dengan mengamati dosen pada pertemuan pertama, merekam pasangan pengamat, dan mewawancarai perwakilan siswa. Peneliti menemukan bahwa ada perbedaan yang signifikan dalam kemampuan berbicara melalui komponen-komponen CTL. Akurasi adalah aspek terbaik dalam berbicara dalam penelitian ini. Konstruktivisme, pertanyaan dan komponen pertanyaan dalam CTL yang mempengaruhi kinerja berbicara.

This article was intended to find out whether there is a significant difference before and after the treatments of seven components of CTL and what aspects of speaking improve best after being taught through the seven components of CTL. This research also wants to investigate how the seven components of CTL improve midwifery students’ speaking performance. The subjects of the study were the students of the Midwifery Department in Malahayati University. This study took one class as the subject of the research. They were 30 students. The data were taken by observing the lecturer at the first meeting, recording the dialogue in pairs, observing the involvement of the students after having treated by the researcher, and interviewing the representative students. The researcher found that there is a significant difference in the speaking performance treated by CTL components. Accuracy was the best aspect of speaking performance in this present study.  Constructivism, inquiry and questioning components in the CTL which affect the speaking performance.

Keywords: Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL), seven components of CTL, speaking performance.

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