Modified Cooperative Integrated Reading Comprehension through Genre Based Approach to Promote Students' Reading Achievement
Penelitian ini menyelidiki apakah ada perbedaan yang signifikan dalam pemahaman membaca siswa antara siswa yang diajar dengan menggunakan Genre –Based Cooperative Integrated Reading Comprehension (GBCIRC) dan mereka yang menggunakan Cooperative Integrated Reading Comprehension (CIRC), dan persepsi mereka terhadap GBCIRC. Penelitian ini menerapkan desain eksperimen yang sebenarnya. Terdapat 32 siswa dalam kelompok eksperimental dan 32 siswa dalam kontrol sebagai sampel yang dipilih secara acak di SMAN 1 Seputih Mataram. Untuk mengumpulkan data, tes, dan kuesioner digunakan. Data dari tes dianalisis dengan SPSS menghasilkan nilai signifikansi yang lebih rendah dari taraf signifikansi (0,00<0,05) yang berarti bahwa ada perbedaan yang signifikan pada kemampuan membaca siswa antara Genre –Based Cooperative Integrated Reading Comprehension (GBCIRC) dan Cooperative Integrated Reading Comprehension (CIRC). Selanjutnya, data dari kuesioner menghasilkan siswa memberikan persepsi positif terhadap implementasi GBCIRC. Oleh karena itu, GBCIRC lebih baik untuk digunakan dan dapat meningkatkan pencapaian pemahaman siswa.
This research investigated whether there is any significant difference in students’ reading comprehension between students who taught by using Genre-Based Cooperative Integrated Reading Comprehension (GBCIRC) and those who taught by using Cooperative Integrated Reading Comprehension (CIRC), and their perceptions towards GBCIRC. This study applied the true experimental design. There were 32 experimental students and 32 control students as the sample chosen randomly at SMAN 1 Seputih Mataram. To collect the data, test, and questionnaire were employed. Data from the test were analyzed with SPSS resulting significance value that was lower than Sig level (0.00˂0.05) meaning that there is a significant difference between students who taught by using Genre-Based Cooperative Integrated Reading Comprehension (GBCIRC) and those who taught by using Cooperative Integrated Reading Comprehension (CIRC). Furthermore, data from the questionnaire were analyzed with descriptive statistic resulting that the students perceived positively towards the implementation of GBCIRC. Hence, GBCIRC is preferable to use and can promote students’ comprehension achievement.
Keywords: Cooperative Integrated Reading Comprehension (CIRC), Genre-Based Cooperative Integrated Reading Comprehension (GBCIRC), reading comprehension, perception.
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