The Implementation of PQRST Strategy for Teaching Reading at The First Year of Senior High School

Fizri Ismaliana, Huzairin Huzairin, Gede Eka Putrawan


This research aimed to investigate whether there was an improvement in students’ reading ability and students’ responses after the implementation of PQRST strategy in teaching reading at the first year of SMAN 1 Kotagajah. One group pre-test post-test design was used in this research. The data were obtained through reading tests (try out, pre-test and post test) and questionnaire. The result showed that there was there was statistically significant improvement of the students’ reading comprehension ability after the implementation of PQRST strategy at the first grade of SMAN 1 Kotagajah with the significant level of (0.00<0.05). The students’ responses of the implementation of PQRST strategy in teaching reading were positive. This indicates that PQRST strategy facilitates students to improve comprehension ability.

Keywords: PQRST strategy, teaching reading, students’ response

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