Meilia Rachmawati, Hery Yufrizal, Budi Kadaryanto


The objectives of this research are 1) to investigate whether students use negotiation of meaning in their speaking; 2) to investigate which component in negotiation of meaning that is mostly used by the students. The research design is qualitative descriptive research. The data were obtained by the students’ conversation using audio and video recorder. Then the writer made a transcription of the conversation and analyzed the data by classifying based on Pica’s study. (1989). The results of this research show that all components in negotiation of meaning are used by students. The highest component is Trigger 32 items (26.66%) and the lowest component Response Other-Modification 2 items (1.66%). Therefore it can be concluded that the highest frequency is Trigger. Moreover, negotiation of meaning can increase the students’ conversation continuity and open more chances for them to produce comprehensible input and produce more comprehensible output.

Keywords: information gap, negotiation of meaning, speaking.


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