The Cognitive Strategy Training : Blocked Buttom-Up Top-Down Approach In Listening Class

Eka Pra Setiyawati, Muhammad Sukirlan, Mahpul Mahpul


Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui apakah pelatihan strategi kognitif berdasarkan pendekatan blok buttom-up top-down mempengaruhi kemampuan mendengar siswa terutama pada empat aspek mendengar. Desain penelitian ini adalah kuantitatif dengan satu kelompok pre-test post –test. Instrumen pada  penelitian ini berupa tes mendengar dengan 9 butir soal. Validitas instrumen diukur menggunakan pearson product moment dan reliabilitas instrumen diukur menggunakan correlation product moment dan spearman brown. Subjek penelitian diambil dengan random klaster, yaitu 21 siswa SMA kelas XI. Hasil analisis data menunjukkan bahwa aspek dalam kemampuan mendengar siswa meningkat, tertinggi pada aspek menentukan detail (36%) dan terendah pada aspek menentukan ide pokok (13%). Akhirnya, dapat disimpulkan bahwa pelatihan strategi kognitif berdasarkan pendekatan blok buttom-up top-down dapat mempengaruhi kemampuan mendengar siswa.

This research was conducted to find out whether cognitive strategy training based on blocked buttom-up top-down approach affect the students’ listening comprehension in term of four listening’s aspects. The design of this research was quantitative with one-group pretest-posttest design.The instrument was 9 items of listening test. The validity of the research was measured using pearson product moment and the reliability of the research was measured with correlation product moment and spearman brown.The subject who were chosen by cluster random sampling, were 21 second year of senior high school students.The result of the data analysis showed that the aspects of listening comprehension were improved mainly in finding detail (36%) and lowly in finding main idea (13%).Finally, it could be concluded that cognitive strategy training based on blocked buttom-up top-down approach could affect the students’ listening comprehension.

Keywords: Buttom-up top-down approach, cognitive strategy training, listening.


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