The Application of Drta Technique in Increasing Students Reading Comprehension in Narrative Text

Gia Arya Azzahara, Sudirman Sudirman, Gede Eka Putrawan


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meneliti: i) peningkatan kemampuan pemahaman membaca siswa melalui penerapan teknik DRTA dan ii) respon siswa terhadap penerapan teknik DRTA. Data diperoleh dari pre-test, post-test dan kuesioner. Teknik analisis data menggunakan Paired Sample t-test. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa terdapat peningkatan signifikan secara statistik pada pencapaian pemahaman membaca siswa dengan tingkat signifikan 0.00 (<0.05). Hasil dari kuesioner menunjukkan bahwa respons siswa dalam penerapan Teknik DRTA sangat baik. Kebanyakan dari siswa tersebut sangat setuju bahwa mereka mendapatkan motivasi dan minat dalam membaca teks karena mereka diharuskan memprediksi teks itu terlebih dahulu sebelum membacanya. Bagaimanapun, penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa teknik DRTA dapat diterapkan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan membaca siswa.

The research was aimed at investigating: i) the students improvement on reading comprehension achievement after the students were taught through DRTA technique and ii) the students responses of the application of DRTA technique. The data were obtained from the pre-test, the post-test, and the questionnaire. The data were analyzed by using Paired Sample t-test. The result showed that there was a statistically significant improvement of the students reading comprehension with the significant level of 0.00 (<0.05). Furthermore, the results of the questionnaire showed that the students responses at the application of DRTA technique were positive. The majority of the students strongly agree that they were well-motivated and indicated high interest in reading the whole texts due to the strategy of the text prediction. This suggests that DRTA technique enables the students to improve their reading achievement.

Key words: reading, reading comprehension, DRTA technique, response

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