Implementing Text Type-Based Story Completion to Improve Students Speaking Ability

Lolita Falina, Hery Yufrizal, Muhammad Sukirlan


Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui apakah ada perbedaan keterampilan berbicara antara teks deskriptif dan naratif setelah mereka diambil menggunakan teknik story completion. Subjek penelitian ini adalah 30 siswa dari kelas X IPA 6. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain Repeated Measure. Data penelitian dijaring menggunakan tes pada teks deskriptif dan teks naratif dengan mengambil nilai dari tes berbicara. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa terdapat perbedaan dalam keterampilan berbicara antara test pada teks deskriptif dan teks naratif denagn nilai signifikansi 0.05. ini mengusulkan bahwa pemahaman di teks deskriptif dan kosa kata di naratif teks memudahkan siswa untuk meningkatkan kemampuan berbicara mereka.

The aims of this study are to find out whether there was a statistically significant difference of students speaking ability in descriptive and narrative texts after they were taught through the story completion. The subjects were 30 students of class X natural science 6. The study employed the repeated measure t-test design. The data were collected through the posttests in descriptive text and narrative text taking the form of speaking tests. The result showed that there was a statistically significant difference of speaking achievement between the posttest in descriptive and in narrative texts, with the significant level 0.05. This suggests that the strong comprehensibility in the descriptive text and vocabulary in the narrative text facilitate students to improve their speaking ability.

Keywords: speaking, story completion, descriptive, narrative.

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