An Analysis of Students Errors In Recount Text Writing at The Second Grade Students of SMP Muhammadiyah Bandar Lampung

Eka Apriyani, Hery Yufrizal, Gede Eka Putrawan


Tujuan penelitian yaitu untuk mencari jenis kesalahan yang terjadi berdasarkan surface strategy taxonomy dan developmental category yang terdapat pada teks recount siswa. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dan writing task sebagai instrumen. Subyek penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas dua SMP Muhammadiyah Bandar Lampung. Hasil penelitian menunjukan terdapat lima jenis kesalahan berdasarkan surface strategy taxonomy: 1) addition, 2) misordering, 3) omission, 4) misformation dan 5) blend error. Selanjutnya, terdapat tiga jenis tingkatan kesalahan yaitu 1) pre-systematic stage, 2) systematic stage dan 3) post-sytematic stage. Blend error adalah jenis kesalahan yang acapkali dibuat siswa. Tingkatan kesalahan yang acapkali terjadi yaitu, systematic stage, lalu post-systematic stage dan pre systematic stage. Disarankan untuk para guru Bahasa Inggris untuk memberi perhatian lebih terhadap kesalahan siswa, dengan memberikan siswa banyak latihan.

The aim of this research was to find out types of errors which are made by the students based on surface strategy taxonomy and developmental category that are found in the students recount texts. This research was conducted through a descriptive qualitative approach by using a writing task as the research instrument. The subjects of this research were the second grade students of SMP Muhammadiyah Bandar Lampung, in amount 20 students. The result showed there are five types of error based on surface strategy taxonomy: i) addition, ii) misordering, iii) omission, iv) misformation and v) blenderrors. Furthermore, there are threetypes of stages of errors, namely i) pre-systematic stage, ii) systematic stage and iii) post-sytematic Stage. Blend errors were the most frequently made by the students. This suggests that English teachers need to pay more attention on the students errors, providing students with a lot of practice.

Key Words: Errors, Recount Text, Surface Strategy Taxonomy and Developmental Category

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