The Impact Of Creativity On The Implementation Of Role Play Activity In Teaching Speaking

Tresia Noviyanti, Muhammad Sukirlan, Hery Yufrizal


Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui proses pengajaran berbicara dengan menggunakan aktivitas role play, untuk mengetahui dampak aktivitas role play dalam prestasi belajar siswa, dan untuk mengetahui perbedaan prestasi belajar siswa antara siswa berkreativitas tinggi dan rendah setelah diajar melalui role play. Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan metode campuran dimana penulis menggunakan tes t-test dan ANOVA untuk menganalisis data. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa: (1) proses belajar mengajar berbicara melalui role play berjalan dengan baik; (2) ada dampak signifikan dari aktivitas role play terhadap prestasi belajar siswa; dan (3) siswa yang memiliki kreativitas tinggi memiliki prestasi berbicara yang lebih baik daripada mereka yang memiliki kreativitas rendah. Kesimpulannya, role play cocok untuk siswa yang kreatif karena prosedur metode ini memberikan apa yang dibutuhkan oleh siswa berkreativitas tinggi. Namun, guru harus memperhatikan kreativitas siswa saat menerapkan kegiatan ini.

The objectives of the research are: to know the process of teaching speaking by using role play activity, to find out the impact of role play activity in students speaking achievement, and to find out the difference of students speaking achievement between high and low creative students after being taught through role play. This research used mixed method design that the writer used three instruments, one for speaking (Students speaking pretest and posttest), one for creativity (creativity test), and one for the process of teaching by using Role Play (Observation Check List). Inter rater reliability was used to make sure that the data has reliability. The writer used repeated t-test and ANOVA test in order to find out which hypothesis is accepted. The result of the analysis show that: (1) the teaching learning process of speaking through Role play runs well in the sense that mostly the activity fulfills the criteria of successful speaking ability; (2) there is a significant impact of Role play on students speaking achievement; and (3) the students who have high creativity have better speaking achievement than those who have low creativity. In conclusion, role play is suitable for creative students since the procedures of this method provide what the high creativity students need. However, teacher should pay attention to students creativity when applying this activity.

Keywords: Creativity, role play activity, speaking skill.

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