The Analysis of Students Ethnic Background Toward Their Understanding on Legends

Felicia Gabriela Wulandary Saragih, Cucu Sutarsyah, Sudirman Sudirman


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana etnis budaya mempengaruhi pemahaman siswa terhadap teks legenda Lampung. Partisipan penelitian ini adalah sembilan siswa di SMA yang terdapat tiga etnis budaya, yaitu Lampung, Jawa, dan Batak. Data dikumpulkan melalui tes esai dengan menggunakan dua legenda yang berbeda. Berdasarkan data analisis spiral, hasil menunjukkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh etnis budaya dari setiap siswa dalam memahami dan mendeskripsikan pemahaman siswa melalui tes esai. Perbedaan jawaban antara siswa bersuku Lampung, Jawa, dan Batak dilihat dari bagaimana cara mereka menjelaskan pemahaman mereka terhadap legenda yang sama. Siswa Lampung memiliki pandangan yang sederhana terdapat legenda Danau Ranau, sementara siswa Jawa menilai dari segi karakter yang ada di legenda tesebut. Berbeda lagi dengan siswa Batak yang cukup kompleks dalam menjelaskan pandangannya terhadap legenda Danau Ranau. Berdasarkan hal ini, dapat disimpulkan bahwa etnis budaya dapat memengaruhi pemahaman siswa terhadap legenda Lampung.

This study is aimed at finding out how ethnic backgrounds influenced students understanding on Lampung legends. The participants were nine students of senior high school that there are three ethnicities. They are Lampungese, Javanese, and Batakese. The data were collected through essay tests with two different legends. Based on the spiral data analysis, the result showed that there was an influence of students ethnic background in understanding and describing students understanding through the essay tests. The difference of answer among Lampungese, Javanese, and Batakese could be seen from how they described their understanding on the same legend. Lampungese students had a simple view for Ranau Lake legend, while Javanese students prefered to seeing the characters of the story. Batakese students had a complex mind in describing their view toward Ranau Lake legend. This suggests that ethnic backgrounds lead to influence students understanding of Lampung legends.

Keywords: Ethnic Background, Legends, Understanding.

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