Teaching Speaking Through Picture Series at Senior High School Students

Putri Satya Fatimbhara, Mahpul Mahpul, Ramlan Ginting Suka


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah ada peningkatan secara signifikan pada pencapaian berbicara siswa menggunakan gambar berseri. Data diperoleh dari pre-test, post-test dan wawancara siswa. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa terdapat peningkatan signifikan secara statistik pada pencapaian bicara siswa. Data yang didaptkan dari hasil pretest dan posttest. Hasil nya menunukkan bahwa ada peningkatan secara signifikan dengan tingkat signifikasi 0.00<0.05. Disarankan bahwa picture series memfasilitasi siswa dalam meningkatkan pencapaian berbicara dalam bahasa Inggris.

This research was aimed at finding out whether there is statistically significant increase of students speaking achievement after the students were taught through picture series. The data were obtained from the pre-test and post-test. The result showed that there was a statistically significant increase of students speaking achievement with the significant level 0.005<0.05. This suggests that picture series facilitates students to improve their achievement in speaking.

Keywords: picture series, speaking, perception, teaching speaking

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