Teaching Speaking Through Hidden Object Game at Senior High School

Cecille Ameilia Kurniawan, Muhammad Sukirlan, Ramlan Ginting Suka


Penelitian ini dilaksanakan untuk mencari tahu (1) ada atau tidaknya peningkatan secara signifikan dalam pencapaian berbicara siswa dengan menggunakan permainan hidden object sebagai sebuah medium dalam mengajarkan monolog deskripsi, dan (2) respon siswa dalam implementasi permainan hidden object. Subjek penelitian ini adalah 36 siswa kelas sepuluh SMA. Data diperoleh dari pretest, posttest dan kuesioner. Paired samples t-test digunakan untuk menguji nilai siswa. Hasil uji menunjukkan bahwa terdapat peningkatan signifikan secara statistik oleh permainan hidden object terhadap pencapaian berbicara siswa dengan tingkat signifikan (0.00<0.05). Para siswa juga memberikan respon positif terhadap implementasi permainan hidden object. Berdasarkan hal ini, dapat disimpulkan bahwa permainan hidden object mempermudah siswa untuk meningkatkan pencapaian berbicara.

The research was conducted to find out (1) whether the hidden object game as a medium in teaching descriptive speaking has a significance effect to increase speaking achievement, and (2) how the students responses to the implementation of the hidden object game. The subjects were 36 students of first grade students of senior high school. The data were obtained from the pretest, the posttest, and the questionnaire. Paired samples t-test was used to test the students scores. The result showed that there was a statistically significant effect of the hidden object game on the students speaking achievement with significant level (0.00<0.05). The students also gave positive responses of the implementation of the hidden object game. This suggests that the hidden object game facilitates the students to improve their speaking achievement.

Keywords: Hidden object game, speaking achievement, teaching speaking.

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