Developing Online Reading And Discussion Boards On Facebook As Pre-Writing Activities To Improve Students Writing Achievement
Penelitian ini dilaksanakan untuk mengetahui apakah online reading dan discussion boards pada facebook sebagai kegiatan pre-writing dapat meningkatkan kualitas writinglebih baik daripada kegiatan pre-writing melalui printed text reading, aspek writing apa yang meningkat secara signifikan dan persepsi siswa terhadap ORDB. Pada desain quantitatif, uji tes awal dan tes akhir kelompok kontrol dilakukan dan pada desain qualitatif, kuesioner dilaksankan.Pada pengumpulan data, teswriting, analisa dokumen, dan kuesioner digunakan. Subyek dibagi dua kelompok, eksperimen dan kontrol, masing-masing terdiri dari 17 siswa. Hasil penelitian menunjukan nilai signifikan dua arah 0.000. Berdasarkan aspek writing yang meningkat secara signifikan, ORDB meningkatkan kualitas writing terutama pada vocabulary. Siswa meningkat pada vocabulary dengan penambahan 1.62 (8.1%) dengan pre-writing melalui printed-text reading dan 3.06 (15.3%) dengan ORDB. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan perbedaan pada kedua kegiatan pre-writing. Berdasarkan kuesioner, diketahui bahwa metode ini dapat meningkatkan motivasi dan partisipasi dalam menulis.
This research was conducted to find out whether online reading and discussion boards on facebook as pre-writing activities can improve writing quality better than pre-writing activity through printed text, what aspects of writing significantly improved, and the students perception of ORDB. In quantitative design, control group pre-test and post-test design was conducted and in qualitative design, questionnaire was conducted. To collect the data, the writing test, document analysis, and questionnaire were used. The subjects were divided into two groups, the experimental and control, each consists of 17. The result showed the value of two-tailed significance was 0.000. Based on the aspects of writing which are significantly improved, ORDB promoted their writing performance mainly in vocabulary. Students improved vocabulary with gain 1.62 (8.1%) with pre-writing through printed text and 3.06 (15.3%) with ORDB. The result showed the difference of both pre-writing. Based on questionnaire, it was noted that it may increase motivation and participation in writing.
Keywords: Discussion Boards, Facebook, Online Reading, Pre-writing.
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