Yosep Papuanus Iyai, Muhammad Sukirlan, Ramlan GT Suka


Penelitian ini adalah penelitian tindakan kelas. Subjek dari penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas dua dari SMA Fransiskus Bandar Lampung, berjumlah 30 siswa. Model pembelajaran ini bertujuan untuk memperbaiki kemampuan berbicara, partisipasi siswa dalam kelas, dan kemampuan guru dalam mengajar.Menggunakan pola penelitian tindakan kelas, hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa pendapatan nilai rata-rata siswa dalam kemampuan berbicara meningkat di setiap siklus. Siklus satu 69.89, siklus dua 75.87, dan meningkat lagi menjadi 82.75 di siklus tiga.Begitu juga dengan partisipasi siswa dalam kelas. Siklus satu 67%, meningkat menjadi 75%, dan siklus tiga 85%. Disamping itu, kualitas guru dalam mengajar juga meningkat disetiap siklus. Maka, disarankan agar model pembelajaran ini dapat digunakan dalam memperbaiki kemampuan berbicara siswa, partisipasi dan juga kemampuan guru dalam mengajar.

This current research is an action research. The subject of the research was 30 students at the second grade of SMA Fransiskus Bandar Lampung.The research was intended to improve students speaking skill, participation, and teachers teaching performance through exploring, clustering, simulating, valuing, and evaluating (EXCLUSIVE) learning model. Within a classroom action research design, the results showed that there was a significant improvement due to the gain of mean score of students speaking performance. Cycle one was 69.89, in cycle two 75.87, and in cycle three 82.75. In students participation in every cycle was increased. In cycle 67%, in cycle two became 75%, and in cycle three was 85%. Likewise, there was an increase of the quality of teachers teaching performance in every cycle.Therefore, this suggests that, this learning model can help and improve students speaking skill and the quality of teachers teaching performance.

Key words:EXCLUSIVE, Learning model, Speaking skill.

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