Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah ada perbedaan signifikan dari kemampuan berbicara siswa antara siswa yang diajarkan dengan storytelling dan siswa yang diajarkan dengan storytelling with serial pictures. Untuk membuktikan hipotesa, peneliti menggunakan Control Group Pretest Posttest design. Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan Independent Group t-test. Dalam penelitian ini, peneliti menggunakan SPSS 17 untuk membuktikan apakah hipotesa diterima atau tidak. Hasil dari Independent Group t-test menunjukkan bahwa t-value (7.394) lebih tinggi dari t-table (2.096). Berdasarkan perbedaan nilai rata-rata dari experimental class dan control class, dapat disimpulkan bahwa Storytelling with serial pictures memberikan perbaikan terhadap prestasi berbicara siswa.
This research was aimed to find out whether there is a significant difference of students speaking ability between those who are taught through storytelling and those through storytelling with serial pictures. To prove the hypothesis, the researcher used Control Group Pretest Posttest design. The data were analyzed by using independent group T-test. In this case, the researcher used SPSS 17 to prove whether the hypothesis is accepted or not. The result of Independent Group T-test which showed that the T-value (7.394) was higher than T-table (2.096), however the difference is not statically significant. Based on the difference of the mean score of the experimental class and control class, it can be concluded that Storytelling with serial pictures gave a better improvement towards students speaking achievements.
Keywords: speaking ability, story telling, story telling with serial pictures
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