The problems of the study was the effect of the application of the Problem Based Learning (PBL) model in improving students' critical thinking skills in class XI IPS YP Unila Bandar Lampung Academic Year 2013-2014. The purpose of this research based on the research problem is to find out the effect of the application of the Problem Based Learning (PBL) model in history lesson in improving students' critical thinking skills in class XI IPS YP Unila Bandar Lampung Academic Year 2013-2014. The research uses an experimental research methods. The population in this study were all class XI IPS 1-4 which consist of 155 students, Samples were taken by using Purvosif sampling technique. Based on the research that has been done shows that the data sheet value of the students final project are normally distributed. So that, we can conclude that the learning model of Problem Based Learning (PBL) give positive effect or advantage in improving students' critical thinking skills.
Rumusaan masalah dalam penelitian adalah Bagaimana efek penerapan model Problem Based Learning (PBL) dalam meningkatkan kemampuan berpikir kritis siswa kelas XI IPS SMA YP Unila Bandar Lampung Tahun Ajaran 2013-2014. Tujuan penelitian Berdasarkan rumusan masalah tersebut adalah untuk mengetahui efek dari penerapan model Problem Based Learning (PBL) dalam pembelajaran sejarah dalam meningkatkan kemampuan berpikir kritis siswa kelas XI IPS SMA YP Unila Bandar Lampung Tahun Ajaran 2013-2014. Penelitian menggunakan metode penelitian eksperimen. Populasi dalam penelitian adalah seluruh siswa kelas XI IPS 1 – 4 sebanyak 155 siswa, teknik pengambilan sampel dengan Purvosif sampling. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang telah dilakukan diperoleh bahwa data nilai lembar tugas akhir siswa berdistribusi normal. Sehingga, dapat kita simpulkan bahwa model pembelajaran Problem Based Learning (PBL) memberikan efek atau manfaat dalam meningkatkan kemampuan berpikir kritis siswa.
Kata kunci : berpikir kritis, penerapan, problem based learning
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