The Effect of Problem Based Learning Model Towards Students’ Representation Mathematical Ability

Dwi Rika Pratiwi, Caswita Caswita, Agung Putra Wijaya


This quasi-experimental research aimed to find out the effect of problem based learning (PBL) model towards students’ representation mathematical ability. The population of this research was all students of grade 8th of SMPN 22 Bandarlampung in the even semester of academic year of 2018/2019 as many as 330 students that were distributed into eleven classes. The samples of this research were students of VIII I class which consist of 31 students and VIII K class which consist of 29 students who were selected by cluster random sampling. This research used pretest-posttest control group design. The research data were obtained through an essay test on the polyhedron. The data analysis used  test. The result showed that the gain of representation mathematical ability through PBL model was higher than the gain of representation mathematical ability through conventional learning. Thus, PBL model has effect towards student’s representation mathematical ability.

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