Mapful Mapful, Herpratiwi Herpratiwi, Haninda Bharata


The purpose of the study is to analyze the relationship between the self management a means of learning and interest on the use of ICT good haphazardly  (correlation simple) or jointly (multiple correlation) by accomplishments learning about mathematics. Population in this research is all the students in the class XI  IPA in schools 5 Bandar Lampung consisting of four classes by the number of students 159. The sample uses the technique proportional random sampling obtained from 60 students. Data collected by kuisioner and tests and analyzed with correlation. Conclusion research the relation of a positive, closely, and significant: 1 ) the management of self by accomplishments learning about mathematics with a correlation coefficient of 0,730; 2 ) a means of learning by accomplishments learning about mathematics with a correlation coefficient of 0,666; 3 ) an interest in the use of ICT by accomplishments learning about mathematics with a correlation coefficient of 0,661; 4 ) management and means learn jointly by accomplishments learning about mathematics with a correlation coefficient of 0,737; 5 ) a means of students learning and interest on the use of ICT jointly by accomplishments learning about mathematics of sel, management with a correlation coefficient of 0,708; 6 ) and interest the students in the use of ICT jointly by accomplishments learning about mathematics management self with a correlation coefficient of 0,742, 7 ) a means of learning, closely and interest the students in the use of ICT jointly by accomplishments learning about mathematics with a correlation coefficient of 0,742.

Kata kunci : manajemen diri, sarana belajar, minat,  ICT, prestasi

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