Djohar Maknun


Up to now in learning ecology, especially its practical work, many people still use the guidebook of the practical work, such as recipe which is not optimal in developing the essential skill of laboratory. As a result, the students’ [the candidate of the biology teacher]mastery of the laboratory essential skill is still low. Actually, the practical work of ecology is very interesting because it be carried out in the open air nature. However, this nature laboratory has not yet exploited very well in the activity of ecology practical work. In addition, the conduct of this practical work has not yet been the science project basis in the condition of eco-biological local area.Ecology has the activity aspects of exploration, experiment, and observation. Based on the three aspects, the ecology practical work should be project basis where practical work students  themselves make the design outline of the practical work which they will conduct. In addition, They also solve the problem and produce the products. The students can conduct the research by collecting, organizing, analyzing data and writing the report of their research. The project evaluation should be carried out for preparation, implementation, and result. Therefore, through the practical work of ecology, the indicators of the laboratory essential skills should be well-formulated on every practical work topic which is conducted. These skills are the basic ones as the pre-requirement  of the further skill development, such as some procedures, processes and method which scientist uses when s/he constructs the knowledge and solve problem in scientific work.

Keyword :  practice, ecology, project, laboratory essential skills

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