This research is a mixed method which aims to describe (1) the reception of students of Indonesian Language and Literature Study Program on the ecranizationshrinking process of Danur novel to Danur film, (2) the reception of students of Indonesian Language and Literature Study Program to the ecranizationadditional process of Danur novel to Danur film, and (3) the reception of students of Indonesian Language and Literature Study Program on the ecranization variation changing process of Danur novel to Danur film. The data collection technique used was a questionnaire technique. The results of the study reveal that (1) the reception of students of Indonesian Language and Literature Study Program of the ecranizationshrinking process of Danur novel to Danur film became more interesting because the conflict raised was more focused on the main character, (2) the reception of students of Indonesian Language and Literature Study Program on the ecranizationadditional process of Danur novel to Danur film, the impression of horror in the film was more pronounced than in the novel, and some of the characters added in the Danur film were able to play their roles well, and (3) the reception of students of Indonesian Language and Literature Study Program on the ecranization variation changing process of Danur novel to Danur film changes which done quite well and still relevant to the contents of the novel. Meanwhile, some students stated that Danur film would be more interesting if the original appearance of the ghosts in the novel was visualized in a film, the changes made were fairly good and still relevant to the contents of the novel.
Keywords: Ecranization, Reception, Film
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