This research is conducted to describe the form of directive speech acts and the politeness speech acts between the teacher and the students in Indonesian language learning process in class X. The research of the method is qualitative descriptive. The source of data is the form of directive speech act of teacher and students. The teqnique of the collection data is by using observasions in free technique and field notes. The analysis of the data is heuristic analysis tecnique. The results of the research showed that the form teacher of speech acts of commad, advise, asking for, askiy, beggy, requesting and permission, while the students' include asking, asking for, and begging. Those speech acts is delivered in directly and indirectly with the various modus. The politeness directive speech acts between the teacher and the students of the politeness linguistics and the pragmatics.
Penelitian ini mendiskripsikan wujud tindak tutur direktif dan kesantunan tindak tutur direktif antara guru dan siswa dalam proses pembelajaran bahasa Indonesia di kelas X. Metode penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif. Data berupa tindak tutur direktif guru dan siswa.Teknik pengumpulan data dengan teknik observasi, teknik bebas libat cakap, dan catatan lapangan. Analisis data dilakukan dengan teknik analisis heuristik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tindak tutur guru meliputi tindak tutur memerintah/menyuruh, menasihati, meminta, bertanya, memohon, memesan, dan mengizinkan, sedangkan siswa meliputi bertanya, meminta, dan memohon. Tindak tutur tersebut disampaikan langsung dan tidak langsung dengan berbagai modus. Kesantunan tindak tutur direktif antara guru dan siswa meliputi kesantunan linguistik dan kesantunan pragmatik.
Kata kunci: kesantunan linguistik, tindak tutur direktif, pragmatik.
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