The correlation between students’ vocabulary mastery and their reading comprehension
The goal of this research is to find the objective condition from the correlation between students’ vocabulary mastery and students’ reading comprehension which was observed and analyzed from SMA N 1 Bandar Lampung. Moreover, the purpose of this study is also to get the information and the empirical data about the correlation of students’ vocabulary mastery and their reading comprehension. The populations of the research are 178 students and 36 students were being the sample of the research. All of the objects are from the second semester of IPA 5 SMA N 1 Bandar Lampung. This research was using correlation through the application of quantitative methods by collecting the data from the test. According to the result of the analysis and statistical calculation, it is found that rxy is 0.678 and rt is 0.329 and 0,339 with the degree of freedom ( df=N-nr) is 34. By comparing the values of rxy and rt, it means that rxy is bigger than rt and the statistic hypothesis states: If ro>rt significance: there is correlation and Ha accepted. If ro<rt non-signification: there is no correlation and Ha is rejected. The result of the hypothesis is rxy bigger than rt which means the alternative hypothesis is accepted. Based on this finding from this study, it can conclude that having more vocabulary or vocabulary mastery significantly affects the comprehension of the students reading activity. Moreover by having many vocabularies the students’ can easily get the information and fun story written in English which finally in can enrich their knowledge by reading a lot of books.
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